Shelby ScagliaComment

A New Brand Has Arrived at Sugar Plum Salon!

Shelby ScagliaComment
A New Brand Has Arrived at Sugar Plum Salon!
Clean Living with Hair Care

I’m sure you’ve seen all over my social media that I have been doing some research on products and brands. If not, let me tell you why!

Living clean is so important to me. Earlier this year, I started researching all that was in my home cleaning products, make up, hair products, etc and what I found had me completely floored! How are we allowing product lines into our life that contain ingredients that can contribute to our health issues, cause cancer and so much more?! A lot of individuals I have told about this never really thought about it, nor did they have much time to research it themselves, so I decided to do all of this for you!

On my research journey I had an epiphany, “If i’m using clean products at home, why am I not doing this in the salon too?” I decided to take my research even further and started looking into Professional Hair Care lines. Specifically, I researched product lines that were not only claiming to be toxin free but also the cleanest product lines on the market today. So many of my guests suffer from health issues and selling product lines that could potentially be hurting my guests even more was just not sitting right with me! After months and months of looking around I finally made a huge switch and I can’t wait to tell you about it!

where did all this research begin?

A few Blog Posts ago, I shared with you all an app called “Think Dirty”. In this app you can research any brand or product to find out it’s toxin level and the risks it carries, if any. On my extensive research journey I had looked into many of the top lines that claimed to be clean and toxin free and found that they were all BS! Even one of the top brands that was claimed to be the cleanest had an ingredient that caused Estrogen and Thyroid level issues, Brain dysfunction and Metabolism Dysfunction!!! Are you dying just reading that sentence right now?? Because I was! I could not believe what I was seeing!

Once I eliminated the most “clean” Hair Care lines and finally found the brand I now carry at Sugar Plum [I’ll announce this in just a minute], then I started researching everything I used! I looked into my make up, home cleaning supplies, food and so much more. It’s all really a deep dark hole that you can easily get sucked into and then start freaking yourself out, but this is really why we all suffer from so many health issues! It’s why I no longer can stay quiet about my findings and want to help you all in the best way I can. I mean really I can rant about this all day, but we don’t have enough writing space for that!

So with all that being said let me introduce you to….

Innersense Organic Beauty

Innersense is the most incredible Hair Care line on the market right now for a number of reasons, so let’s get into why I have chosen to carry them and why I love them so much!

Innersense Organic Beauty
  1. They are 100% formulated without phthalates, ethoxylates, sulfates, silicones, 1,4 dioxane, parabens, petro compounds, propylene and butylene glycol, PEG, MEA, TEA, MIA, EDTA artificial dyes or synthetic fragrances. Need I say more?

  2. Most haircare lines are formulated with silicones, resins, plastic and more that give the illusion of soft, silky, shiney hair but are they really? Nope! Over time this fake illusion creates dull, damaged hair. Innersense formulates their products through conscious chemistry. Which means they cold-press, distill or otherwise process without synthetics to preserve the purity of their products!

  3. Innersense is Gluten-free, cruelty-free and non-GMO.

  4. We all know the standards all other countries hold beauty care products to, aside from the US, right? Well Innersense Organic Beauty is in compliance with the EU, which is huge! The EU is super crazy about transparency and even though the US does not require this transparency, Innersense is offering this transparency to all of it’s US customers. I don’t know about you, but this means so much to me!

  5. Innersense ingredients are all sourced from nature, grown organically and sustainably without chemicals. Ethically harvested and sourced from trusted, transparent plantations, orchards and farms from around the world.

  6. Last but not least, I know you’ve probably tried “clean” products before and maybe you felt dry or like they did absolutely nothing.. I get it and I’ve been there! This is not the case with Innersense. In fact, this was the trippy part! I notice the first time I applied their styling products I couldn’t feel a thing and that worried me. Once the hair was completely dry I couldn’t believe how the hair felt! It was so incredibly soft, moisturized, shiney and beautiful! Best surprise ever!

I mean I could talk about this line for hours, but the true test is seeing it all for yourself! I officially launched Innsersense Beauty at Sugar Plum just this week and I can’t wait for you to try it.

In Conclusion…

Interested in living the clean life? Reach out to me about any lines you’re interested in and I’d love to research them for you! I am a total nerd for this stuff and the fact that it makes such an impact on our lives is that much more thrilling to me. Please leave a comment below if you have any other questions or just share your thoughts!


Shelby Alexandra

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