Shelby ScagliaComment

Getting Your Hair Done is more than A Self Care Experience!

Shelby ScagliaComment
Getting Your Hair Done is more than A Self Care Experience!
self care

I’m sitting here on my freshly renovated balcony trying to figure out what my next Blog Post was going to be, because let’s be real it’s been a minute since I’ve written for you!

However, I suddenly realized how much I’ve missed just sitting outside and letting the sun rays hit my skin as work. I mean if 2020 taught me anything it was to take a little time for me and just stop to smell the roses every so often.

Then as I started to really think about things that are considered self care, like sitting on my patio, I began to realize how the experience that I create in the salon really is a “self care” ritual! Obviously we all enjoy a good head massage and beautiful hair, but it’s really so much more than that, so let me elaborate!

A Hairstylists Real Job..

When a guest sits in my chair during their appointment, we always consult about what we are doing with their hair and what their expectations are. We chat about realistic options, treatments, color and so on.

However, when I’m asking questions to further my investigation on what services to perform I’m doing way more than getting info on the basic color path. I’m reading into my guests emotions, where their insecurities are and what they feel confident about. With this knowledge I can create an experience that will help them to feel more confident + secure emotionally and physically!

My job is way more than giving you beautiful hair, I’m also your healer! I’m here to listen to your insecurities and do my absolute best to feed into the beauty of these insecurities whether they be physical or mental, so that I can make sure you have healed these and walk out my door feeling 150% better than when you came in.


You are beautiful, you are radiant and strong!

I am also your therapist! I’m sure you’ve seen the memes all over social media about how your Hairstylist knows everything… it’s true!

I probably know more about my guests than their closest friend, but this is not because I pry. This is because you feel confident enough in my presence to share these deep feelings and I think that is incredibly special. I get to be apart of my guests life journey, through all of the sad days and happy moments.

I get to watch their children grow! I get to watch as their careers advance! I get to hear about their relationships and watch them as they progress into marriage and children! I get to be with them when family members pass and grieve just as they did, because honestly they feel like my family too!

Being a Hairstylist is such an incredible honor and I never take this lightly. The trust I have built with my guests and the relationships I have are so special to me.

Okay… but how is this self care?

Now I know most of this article may have sounded more like I just enjoy my job, taking care of you and hearing about your life. However, this is considered Self Care because you are allowing yourself to unravel and be present. You are allowing yourself to be pampered and listened to.

Most of my guests are hard working business women + moms. Quiet time or girl time is not something that often occurs! So when they come in for a visit, this is THEIR time. I do not view your appointment as if you are on my time, I am here to cater to you and what you need.

Whether this be silence. Whether this be therapy and a time to dump everything. Or whether we just sit and chat about what’s happening in the world.

It’s all your time and I’m here for all of your needs, pretty awesome right?

So being able to help you to relax and unload all that is on your mind is a major way to release tension and take care of yourself!

In conclusion…

I’m more than just your Hairstylist and an appointment you come to to get your hair done. I’m a safe place for you to come to, unwind and feel right at home. This is a place of self love and care! I absolutely love my job, I love that I get to wear all of these hats for you and I love most of all that I contribute to that Self Care you always needed, because I promise you will always walk out my front doors feeling like you can conquer the world!

You got this girl!


shelby alexandra