Think Dirty!
Think Dirty App

I’m sure you just read that title and opened up this post wondering what you just got yourself into! I wish I had some hilarious punchline to go with it but it’s actually just an Iphone App that I just had to tell you about!

So, Think Dirty?

Earlier this year I started a life changing project and started removing any and all unnecessary chemical products from my home to help me live a much cleaner life. On this journey I discovered an App that has totally ruined my life… but in a good way!

Think Dirty is an App that you can download through your App Store and it’s completely free! This App is a way to learn about all the products in your home. It will enlighten you about all the toxins and chemicals found in these products that can cause harmful effects. I know it’s terrifying, but who doesn’t want to live a much cleaner and healthier life!

Why are you telling me about this App?

The whole reason I decided to write this post was because I came across something that made my jaw drop and I just can’t keep it a secret!

For years I have always used Professional Hair Care products, some of which I have developed skin irritations from or allergies to. Every so often I would switch up my products and the cycle would start all over again. I began researching ingredients and found that a lot of companies use chemicals in their lines [Professional and Non-Professional] that over time can cause eczema, dryness, rashes, hives etc.

About a year and a half ago I started using a product line called Amika. I absolutely love this line and have had wonderful results with it! It’s also as clean as it gets on a Professional level! However, as a Stylist I’m constantly wanting to switch things up and try new hair care lines, so I started doing some research about natural hair care. I looked into Evo, Cults and Kings, Davines, Kevin Murphy and so many more. All Paraben Free, Vegan or Vegetarian, Cruelty Free.. you know “clean”.

Well I had this crazy idea to break out my Think Dirty App and start researching further. This App rates all the products on a 1 to 10 scale. I looked up all of the above companies and found that they all range from a 5 to 8 on the scale!!! WHAT?? These companies claim to be clean and toxin free, how are they an 8?! I know I was mind blown too! But then unfortunately it got worse..

Do you suffer from Thyroid, Hormone or Health Issues?

Sadly, most women I speak with have a medical complication with one, if not all, of these issues. In my research I found something I couldn’t even believe!

I’m going to share with you verbatim what the App has said about a toxin called “Octinoxate”, also known as 2-Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, 5.0% Octinoxate, 7.5% Octinoxate. It’s purpose is to protect your hair from UVB radiation, which is great for your beautiful hair color but not so great for your insides. This toxin has been researched by the FDA and has shown that it can affect your “estrogenic and thyroid activity, affecting several body functions including development, brain and metabolism. Estrogenic disruption has been linked to breast cancer. Avoid use whenever possible.” [Think Dirty; Davines Hair Oil]

Yeah I was in shock to…

Let’s share one more just for fun! This one is called “Phenoxyethanol”, also known as 0.1% Phenoxyethanol or 1-Hydroxy-2-Phenoxyethane. This is a common ingredient used to to preserve skin care or haircare products and is also found in natural extracts. This ingredient has been tested by the FDA and has shown that it” can depress the central nervous system and may cause vomiting and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration in infants. Skin irritation and allergy.” [Think Dirty; Davines Lovely Smoothing Shampoo]

I told you this app would ruin you!

In Conclusion…

Obviously everything in moderation is okay and most likely won’t kill you, but I had to share these findings with you. I would have never even considered a hair product to be a contributor to any health issues whatsoever and I’m sure you didn’t either. However, I absolutely love this app and how it’s helped me to clean up my lifestyle and salon too. Luckily, the lines I carry at Sugar Plum have little to no toxins, so for now I will stick with them. But trust me when I say my search will continue for the cleanest lines out there!

I’d love to hear of all your findings, please share them below!


Shelby Alexandra

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